Restraining Order

Domestic Violence is a serious issue in our world, And there are individuals filing for Restraining Orders in counties throughout New Jersey every day. There is no fee to file for a Restraining Order and hearings must be held within ten days of filing for a Restraining Order. New Jersey requires that there was a recent incident of domestic violence, which includes stalking, threats, assault, and harassment, along with some type of history of domestic violence in order for the Court to issue a Final Restraining Order. If a Restraining Order is entered by the Court, the judge can order the following types of relief, depending on the particular situation: no contact, no abuse, remove the Defendant from the home, custody/Parenting Time, temporary child and/or spousal support, drug and alcohol evaluation, parenting assessment, or mental health evaluation.

If you are a victim of domestic violence or have an upcoming Restraining Order hearing, it is a good idea to consult with and experienced lawyer so that you understand what you must prove to the Court in order to obtain a Restraining Order. It is important to put on your best case at the trial so that you can obtain the protection that you need.

It is unfortunate, but there are individuals who misuse the Domestic Violence laws in New Jersey in order to try to improve their situation in a pending custody or divorce case. If you believe that you are the Defendant in such a case and have been recently served with the Restraining Order paperwork, you should seek legal counsel immediately. You have important rights that can be seriously affected by a Restraining Order being entered against you under these circumstances.